photo by: Mark Ellison
Specializing in appreciative, natural, and life-giving personal growth and development strategies.
* Decrease negative effects of stress and anxiety.
* Increase well-being, effectiveness, and joy.
* Alignment with values
* Declutter the mind
* Connect with Nature
Products - Services - Performances
Forest Bathing & Nature Therapy Guided Walks
Decreased risk of heart attack
Decreased inflammation
Mood-boosting (de-stressor)
Forrest Fine Art
Landscapes from Around the World
In the spirit of appreciating nature, these paintings have been a way to reflect her beauty on the canvas.
Galleries are to be posted on a Facebook Business Page. ( LINK)
"Adventure into the Unimaginable"
A performance of my 3-years at an ashram in India practicing a meditative yoga.
The story in Act 1 is told through a creative arrangement of haiku and Sanskrit mantras. I play the harmonium to accompany the mantras.
Acts 2 and 3 are still in development. They will cover the experiences of re-entering the U.S. in 2013. The final act is the integration of what I experienced in India and life back in the U.S.
The purpose of sharing my story is in the hopes that it will inspire others to discover their true natures.
"Thank you Miss Kathleen. I was at a vulnerable and critical point in my life. You listened to me and reminded me "I can do that". They were simple words but at that specific time they were a key for me to trust myself. That it was OK for me to start precisely where I was at and not judge myself. This allowed me to take the next necessary step in my life."
Clair, Belgium
"When Kathleen works with you to find a sense of inner peace, you realize a transformation is occurring if you are open to the transformation." Tom Keys, Founder: Elder Commons Senior CoHousing Community, Carrboro, NC
"As a former HR Manager, Kathleen worked with me in my Organizational Development group. Another strength of Kathleen is her coaching skills. Her ability to connect with people regardless of organizational rank, allows her to support individuals in their specific growth and evolution. Kathleen has a great spirit and many years of experience in Organizational Development and Coaching and will bring integrity and excellence to whatever she undertakes."
Kathy Fellows, Former HR Manager, DTE Energy
Kathleen Forrest is a gifted coach, mentor, and healer. She is able to get right to the heart of the matter even if you don't know what the heart of the matter is! She has a very heartwarming and gentle, loving nature that is nurturing. Her unique background, training, and personal journey are inspiring.
Kathleen has coached me through some of my most challenging times and seems to know just what to say to ease the pain and help me to reconnect to the compassion, wisdom,and strength that lie within me. I highly recommend Kathleen. Susanna M. Goulder, Life Purpose Certified Coach
"A chance to re-enter nature and deepen one's relationship with the forest, plants and stones, atmosphere and hence, one's self." Terrilynn Dubreull, Asheville NC
Kathleen is the real deal! Her healing joyful energy is palpable.
I had an amazing Reiki session with Kathleen.Afterwards, I felt a deep level of relaxation, both physical and emotional, that lasted and deepened throughout the week.
Susanne G., Chapel Hill, NC
"One teaching I learned from Kathleen is not to get attached to a perceived outcome. Do your homework, research as many avenues needed and allowable at the time and give it your all. The end result is what it is. Sit back and enjoy whatever may happen. Enjoy the process and move on."
Ina Brolis, State Park Manager

Kathleen Forrest
“Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.” Theodore Roosevelt
I’ve always been devoted to good health. One way to define good health is “the feeling of mental, physical and social well-being of a person and not just being free of disease.”
My passion is to see myself and others do things we did not originally think was possible. From the days of working in Fortune 100 and 500 companies to the current Personal Power Facilitation and Forest Therapy guided walks - I remain passionate about growth and development.
Being in nature centers us deeply in the moment. The sights, sounds, and smells of the forest take us right into the present moment so our brain stops anticipating, recalling, worrying and ruminating. This centered place is where we have access to our personal power. Being present in your body allows us to feel centered and balanced no matter what is happening around us. I see this as a partnership between our minds and our bodies.
My birth name is Forrest - let's say I was born to do this work - it's in my roots.
"As a Certified Forest Therapy Guide, I open the door for you to have the experience in nature that is uniquely yours."