Art of India
Inspired and created in India by:
Kathleen Forrest
Watercolors and Mixed Media

About Kathleen Forrest
I love creating. The joy of expressing and interpreting what I feel and see keeps me coming back to the easel again and again.
I spent my professional career in corporate offices and manufacturing plants in Fortune 500 companies. I painted whenever I allowed myself the pleasure and joy. In 2001 I took a sabbatical from a corporate change management role in Detroit Michigan. I slowly began to take a little more time to paint. I became a commissioned oil painting artist and was holding a public show once a year. In 2009 I began practicing a Raja Yoga (Kriya Yoga) in India. I kept returning to India. From 2009 to 2013 I had spent 3 full years living in India. This experience changed my life and thus my art. The art created in India was different from my earlier pieces. As an artist what you see on a canvas or paper is a representation of the artist in some way. You can't take the artist out of the art! The experience of living in such a rich and colorful country was incredible. Everywhere I looked I saw either a movie/theater set or a painting.
What you see on this site are the pieces I painted while living in India. I included some of my sketches for fun.
I hope you enjoy the tour.
All pieces are for sale. With the great printing equipment printers have today each painting can be reproduced with great results.
I consider myself an amateur or hobbiest artist. I just love it and it seems some others love what I create as well.

While living in India I traveled to many small villages, attended political events, school programs and weddings. Although not a portrait artist it was the faces that I found myself drawn to. I also enjoyed the beauty of the ever present sari.
I sketched several portraits while in India. I gave one as a gift to one of the hosts of a village workshop.

Since I've returned to North America I decided to learn how to play the Ukulele. Here is a picture taken after conducting one of my workshops "Sacred Surrender - Releasing the JOY" in North Carolina.
I've also been writing about the process of transformational change. As a way to communicate to a wide audience, I've written a play entitled "Adventure into the Unimanigable". Act 1 has been performed several times in Asheville, NC.
It is an autobiographical story of an American businesswoman who goes to study meditation in an ashram in India for 3 years. The story of the challenges, joys, and changes I experienced are expressed through haiku and Sanskrit mantras.
Acts 2 and 3 are still being workshopped. They will tell the next two parts of the story via a monologue, music, and dramatization of scenes.